
We specialize in English <> Japanese translation and we leverage a professional network of fully qualified linguists proficient in various languages. Located in Tokyo, our primary focus revolves around Asian languages.

- Extensive experience in various fields

IT, software, computers, business, economy, finance, medical devices, automation, manufacturing, electrical engineering,robotics, e-commerce, games, film, video subtitling, music, sports, websites, manga/anime, education, entertainment

- CAT Tools

We use industry standard and the latest CAT tools to streamline the translation/localization process. Trados, Phrase (Memsource), XTM, Crowdin, Smartling, Idiom, Catalyst, and Passolo. In addition, we can work with specialized tools as needed.

Interpreting Services

Experience in English <> Japanese interpreting for corporate training sessions, business meetings, and the criminal justice field.


Tailoring content to suit diverse markets. We adeptly modify or create material to align with local preferences and cultural nuances.


Our linguists excel in refining previously translated content, ensuring consistency in terminology and style. We utilize tools to deliver comprehensive review reports. We also offer MT (Machine Translation) post-editing and AI-driven translation solutions.


Extensive experience in transcribing both English and Japanese audio content. This includes international conferences, anime/TV programs, and promotional videos.

Localization Testing

Our expertise extends to comprehensive software localization. We manage the complete process - from software translation/localization to translating support materials and conducting thorough software testing for market suitability.


Offering language-related consulting services along with business consulting tailored for the Japanese market.


For inquiries regarding our clientele and portfolio, please reach out to us separately.